or… sometimes, Skippy the Meh. To properly give context to this post, I need to go back a year ago when I gave Alex a subscription to Audible for Valentine’s Day. Due to the fact he...Read More
Elevator speeches are a pretty common networking tool. The goal of quickly and accurately conveying what you do, and why it matters to who you’re talking to, can be incredibly useful when meeti...Read More
Welcome back! It’s been a while! Don’t worry I’m still here – and still working hard, and happy, and engaged. But! Contrary to the cover photo, that’s not the topic of th...Read More
Whew! It’s already the start of Fall semester! That means I am officially a 2nd year graduate student and have completed one (of five-ish) years of my PhD program! Woo! Along with all the other ...Read More
Over Memorial Day weekend, Alex and I did something we had never done before. We went to Comicon! I think the two of us would have considered it regardless, but we were motivated to go when I was invi...Read More
This summer I am a mentor for a summer program for incoming undergraduate students. This program runs the two weeks right before the start of Fall semester. My official title is “Academic Facili...Read More
Now that the Spring semester has finished up and I am settling into my Summer routine, it’s time for a recap of research progress! I’d like to say that research went a whole lot faster in ...Read More
I had an interesting conversation recently relating to how we can teach astronomy in a way that allows students to come away with an understanding of the process rather than just the busy work. In par...Read More
As the stars make up nearly all of the mass outside of our solar system that we can actually observe, it is very important that we understand why they are visible. Why are they so bright? What is mak...Read More
Why is the night sky dark? At first this seems like a silly question. Well, it’s dark because its night-time, there’s no Sun! But is it really that simple? This is a common way to begin a ...Read More